Buy with trust
12/24 hr format with current time
Distance measurement up to 999 miles
Step counter up to 99999 steps
Calorie expenditure up to 999, 9Kcal
Stopwatch with 1/100 second precision
Take it anywhere with you, and monitor your activity progress on the go with the Champion Sports Digital pedometer, uses advanced sensor technology to track steps, distance & duration
The pedometer features 12/24 hr format, distance measurement, step counter, calorie expenditure, stopwatch, and easy clip on feature with case-closure
With its large screen display the pedometer is easy to read, and can be also be clipped to waist or pocket for comfort and easy reach
The pedometer records activity and saves progress, so it can track your daily activities, while keeping you motivated at the same time to stay active
Batteries are included
Available in 6 vibrant colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue & Purple